
Working Papers

Benjamin Elbers. 2021. Did Residential Racial Segregation in the U.S. Really Increase? An Analysis Accounting for Changes in Racial Diversity, SocArXiv Working Paper.

Benjamin Elbers. 2021. Local Segregation Scores of Entropy-Based Segregation Indices, SocArXiv Working Paper.

Benjamin Elbers. 2020. Orthogonal Polynomial Contrasts and Applications to Age-Period-Cohort Models, SocArXiv Working Paper.

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Benjamin Elbers. 2024. Explaining changes in US residential segregation through patterns of population change. Nature Cities.

Rob Gruijters, Benjamin Elbers, and Vijay Reddy. Opportunity Hoarding and Elite Reproduction: School Segregation in Post-Apartheid South Africa. Forthcoming in Social Forces.

Benjamin Elbers and Rob Gruijters. 2024. Segplot: A New Method for Visualizing Patterns of Multi-Group Segregation. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (89).

Douglas R. Leasure, Ridhi Kashyap, Francesco Rampazzo, Claire A. Dooley, Benjamin Elbers, Maksym Bondarenko, Mark Verhagen, Arun Frey, Jiani Yan, Evelina T. Akimova, Masoomali Fatehkia, Robert Trigwell, Andrew J. Tatem, Ingmar Weber, and Melinda C. Mills. 2023. Nowcasting Daily Population Displacement in Ukraine through Social Media Advertising Data. Population and Development Review.

Luciana de Souza Leão, Flavio Carvalhaes, Benjamin Elbers and Thomas DiPrete. 2022. The changing structure of school to work transition in Brazil Civitas – Revista de Ciências Sociais 22.

Yao Lu., Xiaoguang Li, and Benjamin Elbers. 2022. Education-Occupation Linkage in the Highly-Educated Workforce: Patterns and Sources of Difference by Race/Ethnicity. Work, Employment and Society.

Benjamin Elbers. 2021. Trends in U.S. Residential Racial Segregation, 1990 to 2020. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World.

Benjamin Elbers. 2021. A Method for Studying Difference in Segregation Levels Across Time and Space. Sociological Methods and Research.

Benjamin Elbers, Thijs Bol, and Thomas A. DiPrete. 2021. Training Regimes and Skill Formation in France and Germany: An Analysis of Change between 1970 and 2010. Social Forces 99(3): 1113–1145.

Jan Paul Heisig, Benjamin Elbers, and Heike Solga. 2020. Cross-national differences in social background effects on educational attainment and achievement: absolute vs. relative inequalities and the role of education systems. Compare 50(2): 165-184.

Mathijs de Vaan, Benjamin Elbers, and Thomas A. DiPrete. 2019. Obscured transparency? Compensation benchmarking and the biasing of executive pay. Management Science. 65(9): 4299–4317.